Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Travel with Kids /Consider other passengers

Consider other passengers—carefully—when packing. This means loading your carry-on with lots of studious but engaging books, stickers and puzzles—and leaving the annoyingly cheerful Wiggle Giggle Gorilla at home. Years ago a friend told me about a flight she was on where a couple traveling with a small baby handed out earplugs to every passenger on the plane. I am here to tell you, the response is overwhelming! Grumpy and gratefully, temporarily-deaf old men will actually go out of their way to lean over you to coochie-coochie-coo your child’s chin. Flight attendants will offer you complimentary headsets. Strangers of all ages will smile and wave as you pass them (again and again) on your way to the loo. Best twenty bucks you’ll ever spend.

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