1. First thing you need to think about is packing, the one must have is a couple pairs of Skins.Our collapsible footwear is a natural for consumers who travel. The ability to wear one Bone over which countless uppers can be built out allows the traveler to pack numerous Skins (uppers) in the space ordinarily required for a single pair of shoes. The fact that airlines are charging consumers to check baggage amplifies the advantages of Skins over ordinary footwear.
The bonus is that each built out Skin and Bone combination provides our consumer with consistent fit and all day comfort.
Please visit http://www.dmttravel.com/ to see the available styles.
2.It's a smart idea to make copies of your passport. Leave one at home and one packed separately from your original passport in case it gets lost. Remember to take your birth certificate and license with you as backup identification, and keep them separate.
3. Traveling abroad can be a rewarding educational experience or essential to your business goals. But remember, as a foreigner you're always vulnerable and need to be aware of your surroundings. Make sure you have a signed, valid passport and visas, if required. Also, before you go, fill in the emergency information page of your passport. Your passport is a universal piece of identification, so it's recognizable anywhere.
4. Carry as little luggage with you as possible. It's a good idea to limit yourself to a 20 pound piece of luggage that you can easily bring on a plane, and tote around in public. Remember that when you schlep bags, you give yourself away as a tourist, another reason why it's good to pack lightso be sure to check out the Skins line of shoes.
5.0 Familiarize yourself with local laws, language and customs of the country to which you are traveling. Read the security and health warnings of your destination point if one has been issued by the U.S. Department of State. Remember, the U.S. Constitution does not follow you so if you get arrested you're at the mercy of the local justice system. It's a good idea to register your name with the local U.S. embassy.
6. Don't leave your luggage unattended in public areas. Lost luggage can be a vacation killer and when you can't speak a foreign language, it can be very difficult to recover your belongings. As always, stay aware of your surroundings and you won't have to worry about someone swiping your bags. Pick-pockets know that American tourists typically carry a great deal of money on them. A money belt is an easy way to guard against these predators. These small, nylon-zippered pouches cost no more than $10 to $15. Keep most of your cash and credit cards in this hidden compartment as reserve, and only put a day's worth of cash in your pocket.
Please go to http://www.dmttravel.com/ for more travel tips and destinations.
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