Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Packing liquids and medications

1.What’s the best way to pack liquids?
Use plastic bottles and only fill them half way (in case they’re crushed or the contents freeze and expand), place plastic wrap over the top, and put the cap on tightly over the plastic wrap. You also might want to pack them in plastic freezer bags.

2.What about the medications I need for my trip?
Pack them in your carry-on luggage, so it will be less likely to be lost. Your carry-on bags will also do less harm to temperature-sensitive medications. Additionally:
Carry your medication in their original bottles to help avoid security questions.
If you have any questionable drugs or particularly large supplies, you might want to bring a letter from your doctor stating you have a legal right to use these drugs.
If you’re traveling outside the U.S., check to see what you can take with you. (Legal medications here might be illegal elsewhere.)

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